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The Rev'd Dr. Michael Matlock, Rector

Taste and see that the Lord is good!  Psalm 34:8

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Get to Know Our Rector

The Rev'd Dr. Michael D. Matlock became the fourth rector of Christ Anglican Church in Cashiers, North Carolina on July 2, 2023.  After an extensive search and review of a myriad of candidates, the search committee and vestry gave unanimous consent and the bishop affirmed the selection of Fr. Michael.  A letter of agreement was signed on Palm Sunday, April 2, 2023.  This agreement marked a year-long commitment of praying and fasting of Fr. Michael and his wife, Robin, that commenced on Easter Sunday, April 17, 2022.

Matlock had joined the Asbury Theological Seminary faculty in 1998. He was co-director of Anglican Studies and Formation as well as professor of Inductive Biblical Studies, Old Testament, and Early Judaism and affiliate professor of Anglican History and Polity.  He also chaired the department of Inductive Biblical Studies.  For 24 years he has also served the church, first as a presbyter in another denomination and then as a priest in the Anglican Diocese of the South. He served most recently as interim priest-in-charge at St. Andrew’s Anglican in Versailles, KY.  Matlock resigned from Asbury Theological Seminary on June 30, 2023.


Commenting on Matlock’s more recent tenure at Asbury Seminary, Dean David Bauer said, “Dr. Michael Matlock has been a valued faculty member and faculty colleague for over fifteen years. He is an original and perceptive scholar, an engaging and effective teacher, and a careful and skilled administrator. He has been a dear friend to all of us, and he will be greatly missed.”


It is my great joy to meet with you and discern ways that Jesus Christ may lead you into a more flourishing and abundant life.


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