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Christ Anglican Church's vision in building a columbarium and garden follow a centuries held tradition of the church serving as holy ground for baptisms, marriages and burials. Our faith-based community has access to this facility which has been many years in planning.

A columbarium is a room, building, or wall that is designated for the interment of the ashes of people who have died and been cremated.

What is a Columbarium?


Columbarium burial on our beautifully landscaped church garden in Cashiers, NC provides niches that can hold two urns. The niches can be purchased now and include the cost of two urns, inscriptions as well as opening and closing. This sacred place has been carefully, lovingly and prayerfully planned. Construction was conducted by the nation's top columbarium specialist. 


For learn more about purchase and selection, please contact the church office or a member of the vestry.

" . . . I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever."

Psalm 23:6

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