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Our Mission

Christ Anglican Church is a community

seeking to know Jesus Christ

and make Him known.

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.”  Matthew 5:14

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What   We  Believe

Our doctrine is what C. S. Lewis called “mere Christianity”: the core beliefs of Christianity as stated in the Nicene, Apostles’, and Athanasian creeds. We also conform to the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion of the Anglican Church, and to the orthodoxy of the Global Anglican Future Conference as set forth in its Jerusalem Declaration. We depend on the “three-legged stool” of classic Anglicanism: Holy Scripture, reason, and tradition, with first priority ascribed to Scripture. We are a Three Streams church: deeply rooted in the truth of Holy Scripture; perceptibly Holy Spirit-filled and operating in the Spirit's power; and decidedly sacramental and liturgical, rooted in the historic richness of Anglican worship and tradition. We are a designated Sanctity of Life church.

Our History

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From its first stirrings in 2003 until today, our Christ Anglican Church has been a welcoming refuge for those seeking biblical truth in preaching and practice. Initially, CAC was formed in response to the errant decisions of the Episcopal Church, so most of our early members were displaced Episcopalians. Organizational meetings and prayer led to the founding of CAC under the jurisdiction of the Anglican Province of America. We transferred our jurisdiction to the Anglican Church in North America in 2012. Our church which serves the Cashiers-Highlands area is in the Anglican Diocese of the South (ADOTS).


Services were held in borrowed church and community spaces until 2013, when we began worshipping in our own building located one-half mile from the Cashiers crossroads.  As the congregation grew, so did our building. The new sanctuary was consecrated in 2016, and the former sanctuary is now a fellowship hall. Thanks to the Lord’s provision and our congregation’s generous response to a capital campaign, we retired the debt and ceremonially burned our mortgage in August 2020, with Archbishop Foley Beach presiding. In 2022, CAC added a columbarium on the property.  In July, 2023, our fourth rector, the Rev'd Dr. Michael D. Matlock, and his wife, Robin, began serving Christ Anglican.


“Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord

watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.”  Psalm 127:1

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